Help Center / Becoming a Partner

Becoming a Partner

How can I register as a transport partner with Waresix?
You can contact us through: 1. Whatsapp 2. Call center 62 855-746-77888 3. Fill out the form on the website 4. Email
What are the benefits of becoming a transport partner with Waresix?

1. Increase fleet utilization with more order opportunities through the Waresix customer network.
2. Enhance fleet management efficiency with the use of the Waresix Operating System software.
3. Simplify administrative processes with the POD system and digital invoices.
4. Easily monitor your fleet through a single platform.

Can an individual business owner become a transport partner with Waresix?

Yes, if you are an individual, you must provide the following legal documents:
1. ID card (KTP)
2. Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP)
3. Bank account book
4. Screenshot of your DJP Online profile
5. Guarantee Statement Letter

What are the requirements to become a transport partner with Waresix? (company)

The following legal documents are required:
1. Akta Perusahaan
2. NIB
3. SK Kemenhumkam
4. KTP Direksi
5. NPWP Perusahaan
6. Copy Buku Rekening Perusahaan
8. SKT
9. Screenshot Profile DJP Online

What types of fleets can become transport partners with Waresix?

All types of trucks, from small units like Blind Van to Trailer.

How long does the registration process take to become a transport partner with Waresix?

It takes 2 (two) business days, starting from the time the complete legal documents are submitted until the onboarding process as a Waresix transport partner is completed.

What payment system does Waresix utilize?

Payments will be transferred to the bank account number registered in our system, according to the agreed-upon due date.

How long does the payment process take from Waresix?

As per the agreed-upon timeline in the Cooperation Agreement between both parties. Additionally, Waresix offers a fast payment feature that partners can use to expedite payments to transport partners, simply by using an e-invoice (no physical invoice required).

As a Waresix transport partner, am I allowed to decline orders?

Yes, but please note that we conduct regular performance reviews for our transport partners.

What is the order acceptance process in Waresix?

Waresix uses a system where transport partner can accept orders through wOS platform. The access will be granted during the onboarding process.

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