Maximize Your Potential

by Building a Career at Waresix!

Discover career opportunities that allow you to transform ideas into real solutions for the national logistics industry, exclusively at Waresix.

Maximize Your Potential

by Building a Career at Waresix!

Discover career opportunities that allow you to transform ideas into real solutions for the national logistics industry, exclusively at Waresix.

Career Opportunities

Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of the dynamic digital logistics world. Discover your role and become a part of the Warewolves team!

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Why is Waresix the right choice for your career?


We are committed to supporting the development and growth of our employees by providing training and career advancement opportunities as needed


We are committed to supporting the development and growth of our employees by providing training and career advancement opportunities as needed

More Room
for Exploration

Discover the freedom to take initiative, responsibility, and manage your own projects. We provide more space for exploration and continuous improvement for your growth.

Our Way of Work

  • Customer First

    Our Way of Work

  • Open Minded

    We welcome new ideas and embrace change for continuous improvement.

  • Ownership

    We strive to be proactive and accountable for our success.

Becoming Warewolves

We believe that the synergy between team members is the best way to unlock the potential in each individual. Our priority is to ensure the well-being of every Warewolf by creating a work environment that is enjoyable, collaborative, and supportive of the generation of new ideas.

What They Say

“Sebagai wanita di bidang teknologi, saya merasa sangat beruntung menjadi bagian dari perusahaan yang menghormati perbedaan, untuk memiliki kesempatan yang sama di bidang yang umumnya didominasi oleh pria.”
  • Stephanie Amanda T.

    Group Product Manager

“Bekerja di Waresix memberi saya kesempatan besar untuk mewujudkan ide ide saya dan memberikan kontribusi positif bagi perusahaan dan industri logistik. Fleksibilitas dalam lingkungan kerja juga memungkinkan saya untuk bekerja secara efektif dan efisien guna mencapai hasil yang maksimal”
  • Kevin Hansel Kristiono

    Internal Audit Associate Manager

“Setiap hari kerja di Waresix coming with challenges. Jadi setiap hari selalu ada masalah yang harus kita beresin, bagaimana caranya kita selalu berinovasi.”
  • Adhi Satya Pramana

    Head of Corporate Development
